17 Animals Who Have Had It With This Week
By the time the week is almost up, you’re about ready to quit your job, join the circus, and do anything to avoid another day – or hour – in the office. Sometimes that’s also how you feel when the week is just starting.
You’re not alone, my friend. Animals have it rough too, and they feel your pain. They hate alarm clocks, chatty co-workers, small cubicles, and boring paperwork. And they hate how it all takes you away from them for eight hours a day, five days a week! What would our furry friends have to say if they had to go work in an office everyday like you?
1.) “TGIF-you, dude”

2.) “I keep thinking it’s Thursday…but it’s really Wednesday”
3.) “Ooh, we don’t get enough exercise in this office, you should park far away from the building so you have to walk more…my ass, now I’m just more tired than I already was”

4.) TPS reports, mmmkay?

5.) “What do you mean the coffee machine is broken? Who broke it? I’ll kill them, I really will.”

6.) “No. Just no. Not today.”
7.) “And another thing! Don’t you guys think we should be given more bamboo? I think we deserve more bamboo!”

8.) “Jesus Christ, Jerry, how many copies are you making? Do you really need that many copies? I only need ONE COPY!”

9.) Snooze. Beep Beep. Snooze. Beep Beep. Snooze.

10.) “They treat us like animals in cages around here!”

11.) “Getting high at work? No, I’d never get high at work. What makes you think that? I’m offended!”

12.) “This. meeting. is. so. STUPID.”

13.) “Oh, wow, yeah, great, Karen, why don’t you tell us more about your wonderful week off in Belize while we were scraping ice from our cars and dying slowly in our cubicles.”

14.) Your boss be looking down on you like:
15.) 5:01 on a Friday.

16.) “I’m gonna chill SO HARD this weekend.”