Tired of seeing your cats all over the place when it’s time for shuteye? You’ll be surprised of how these random objects from all around the house could save you all that hassle. You know, many people think being a loner living with 5 or more cats is a sad, sad thing. I don’t get these people. I mean, cats. Cats, everywhere. That’s a really good thing!
1. Trophy Shelves for Trophy Cats

2. Purhcase a hanging organizer to place them in.

Or a garment bag that doubles as one.
3. Put them at the top of your laudry basket…

4. Or the bottom of it.

5. Tight on space? Cats and hot pockets go together nicely.

6. Hang your sleepy kitty up to get them out of your hair.

7. Bringing your cat on vacation?

8. Cats can squeeze into pretty much anything you have lying around.

9. Sometimes they need their own space, 1 cat per shelf will do.

10. Plastic bins are a nice substitute for drawers.

11. Multiple cats? Stack those babies on seperate shelves.

12. File accordingly: C for Charles the Cat.

13. Make sure to label things properly!

14. Color and number coded cubbies are perfect for 5+ cats.

15. Treat your cat to their own special spot on the top shelf of the closet.

16 . Drawers are a great investment as well.

17. Kittens and baskets go great together.

18 . They stow away very nicely in a suitcase.

19. Invest in color-coordinated cat stacks.

20 . If all else fails, stick them in the mail!