20 Cute Animals Who Got Caught Making Funny Faces
If you have an Instagram, or a Facebook, or a Twitter, or basically any sort of social media at all, you know what humans care a LOT about how we look in pictures. We’ll go to great lengths to snap the perfect candid pick. From make-up and hair to wardrobe to setting, some people plan their profile pics to a perfect T. But sometimes it’s the unexpected photo that ends up really stealing the show. Take it from these twenty animals who got caught at the perfectly wrong moment; sometimes, a funny face can brighten someone’s day more than the perfect postured pose!
1. This Lemur Who Just Heard His Ex is Getting Married
Oof, we’ve all been there, buddy, don’t worry, he’s really ugly.
2. This Sarcastic Bear
“Oh that’s SO interesting, PLEASE tell me MORE!”
3. This Koala Who Can’t Believe What You Just Said
“I came here to eat eucalyptus and have a good time and I’m honestly feeling so attacked right now.”
4. This Anteater Who Is Very, Very Over It

It’s been a long day and he’s ready to just go home and veg out.5. This Bear Who’s Pretending Its Snowing

It’s been a long day and he’s ready to just go home and veg out.
5. This Bear Who’s Pretending Its Snowing
He just loves catching snowflakes on his tongue!
6. This Happy Orangutan
We don’t know why this ape is so happy, but that smile is making us smile!
7. This Chipmunk Who Got Caught Being Greedy
This is the same face we make when we get caught hoarding Cheetohs…
8. This Orangutan Who Just Saw His Own Reflection
9. This Owl with Allergies.
Or should we say “owllergies”? Sorry, sorry, we’ll see ourselves out…
10. This Bull That Loves Miley Cyrus
No offense, Miley, but this bull is way better at that tongue thing.
11. This Giraffe Who’s Too Cute to Get Mad At
He broke Grandma’s vase, sure, but look how sorry he is!
12. This Lion Who Can’t Get That Popcorn Kernel Out of His Teeth
You eat one handful of popcorn and you pay for it all day long!
13. This Itty Bitty Derpy Kitten
We think we’ll call her Derpina.
14. This Bird Who Wants to Speak To a Manager
“Seriously, this is outrageous, a twenty minute wait for a breakfast pizza? We’re leaving!”
15. This Cat Who Just Bit Into Something Weird
Have you ever been scarfing down some lo mein and suddenly bite into something that definitely WASN’T lo mein….?
16. This Ecstatic Frog
This frog doesn’t know what Kermit was whining about; he LOVES being green!
17. This Monkey Who Is Regretting His Haircut.
He wanted to relive his punk days, but…
18. This Pug Who’s Just Got The Wrong Angle
To be fair, this is what we ALL look like when shot from below.
19. This Deer Who Can’t Decide Which Detergent To Get
“My wife usually does the shopping…I wish I could remember what she usually buys…I should really help out around the house more often…”
20. This Adorably Dorky Calf
Someone get this baby cow a pocket protector and suspenders, stat! [tps_title][/tps_title]