20 People Who Have Less Shame Than You
Remember that time you accidentally called your teacher “mom”? Remember that time you threw up at that party in front of your crush? Remember that time you couldn’t hear what the stranger at the party was saying to you so you just smiled and nodded until you realized that he asked you a question and your response was not at all appropriate? Moments like those don’t just mortify us in the day or two after, they scar us for life! Next time you’re cringing over something you did ten years ago, take a tip from these shameless heroes and let it go:
1. This Walking, Talking Smiley Face
Is it ironic that despite all those smiley faces, she’s doing pretty much the exact opposite?
2. This Guy Who Knows How To Work It
Admit it, you wish you had half his swagger. It’s all in your confidence, you know?
3. This Prima Ballerina
Admit it though, you want that polka dot bikini top.
4. This Boy and His Cat
The cat is fat, the cell phone is old, and the selfie game is way, way, way off point.
5. This Match Made In Heaven
All aboard the cringe train! Choo choo cough cough cough.
6. This Dream Team
Love will find a way. If not, an assault rifle will come in handy.
7. This Guy Who’s Making the Joke Way Too Easy
We know. We know. Batman, Fatman. But why not be a little more creative? We like The Spork Knight.
8. This Beard Warrior
Imagine how much beard conditioner he goes through in a year!
9. Mr. Dream Big
Maybe someday, little guy. Maybe someday.
10. This Woman Who Can’t Fit Into Coconuts
Now that’s one resourceful broad!
11. This Blushing Bride
He spotted a pine marten on the way to the chapel and couldn’t pass up the chance.
12. This Leggy Gentleman
Those boots were made for bikin’, and that’s just what they’ll do.
13. This Saucy Grandma
This is the same grandma who always used to let you sneak a sip of her whiskey sour at weddings.
14. This Woman On a Mission
A mission she is absolutely killing, by the way. You go girl.
15. This Sailor Dude
Coming soon to a comic-con near you.
16. This Bro With a Bra
Never fall asleep on the beach…ever.
17. This Anchorman
Get it? Because the beard looks like…oh, nevermind.
18. This Terrifying Embodiment of Your Worst Nightmare
H.P. Lovecraft would have had a few things to say about this beard.
19. This Thug 4 Life
Straight Outta Shaving Cream
20. This Thrifty Gal
Laugh all you want, she saves a ton of money on shirts.[tps_title][/tps_title]