Before You Throw Out Old Clothes and Jewelry, Read These 10 Upcycling Tutorials
Hold up! Before you throw that out, why not see if you can upcycle it? What’s upcycling, you ask? It’s a way to take discarded, unwanted items and re-tool them so that they’re new, beautiful, usable goods. From jewelry to clothes to home decor, upcycling is a great way to save money, help the environment, reduce waste, and let your creativity flow. Here are 10 great tutorials on how to turn your trash into treasure – make yourself a little something, or sell your goods for 100% profit!
1.) A dead lightbulb can become a beautiful necklace.

2.) Arizona green tea cans make this necklace charming!

Check out the instructions at Crafting a Green World.
3.) Throwing away an old leather belt? Why not refashion it into a book charm?

4.) Turn a broken watch into a lasting memory-keeper.

5.) These beads are actually from plastic soda bottles!

6.) Loose buttons and candy wrappers make these charming baubles.

hese projects definitely made me think of what I can refashion from my closet. Do you think you’ll try out some of these eco-friendly crafts? Which one is your favorite? Share it with your creative friends.
7.) Old earrings? New hair pins!

See more at The Crafted Life.
8.) These heart earrings are made of old aluminum cans!

9.) Can you guess what those are? Pistachio shells!

10.) Re-use old spools and fabric to make beads.