Top 20 Inspirational Quotes from American Presidents

Top 20 Inspirational Quotes from American Presidents

Do you need some inspiration to brighten your day? Or just beautiful sayings to put color in your essay? The U.S presidents over time have led the country to its success throughout all its hurdles. You will find in this list the top 20 quotations of these inspiring men. 1. We should not look back…

20 Hygiene Practices from History that are Seriously Gross

20 Hygiene Practices from History that are Seriously Gross

Hygiene practices come in different ways in different times. Back then, although people were practicing cleanliness, we can certainly say that their practices are certainly different from ours today. Thankfully, we are now living in a world wherein cleanliness is carried out properly. We sure are lucky enough that we are not in the same era…

The Stories Behind The Discovery Of These 7 Bodies Defy All Logic

The Stories Behind The Discovery Of These 7 Bodies Defy All Logic

Murder can be a tricky thing to prove: just listen to a few episodes of Serial and you’ll learn just how hard it can be to get the evidence to match up to the crime. Unreliable witnesses, questionable motives, and confusing timelines can all make pinning down the bad guy harder than it seems. And,…

14 Historical Locks That Guarded The Most Mysterious Treasures In History

14 Historical Locks That Guarded The Most Mysterious Treasures In History

  For treasure-hunters and mystery-lovers, there’s nothing more appealing than a locked door. But sometimes the real treasure lies in the lock itself, not the thing it’s protecting. Check out these 14 amazing locks from history: these were crafted by the best in the business, and entrusted to keep precious secrets, horrible truths, and amazing…

Here Are 15 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Our Mysterious Neighbor, Cuba

Here Are 15 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Our Mysterious Neighbor, Cuba

  After 56 years of harsh, hostile relations with Cuba, President Obama has finally lifted the trade embargo that kept us separate. It started out as a prisoner-for-prisoner trade, but now it seems that Cuba and the U.S. might finally try being friends again. But most people have no idea what Cuba’s really like; after…

Snow Is Beautiful, But During These 9 Moments In History, It Was Deadly

Snow Is Beautiful, But During These 9 Moments In History, It Was Deadly

In the deep dark winter, Mother Nature fills the world with brilliant, glistening snow and ice that makes everything look clean and sparkly. But it can also make everything very, very dangerous, and painful, as people who were stuck shoveling snow in the polar vortex of 2014 can attest. Believe it or not though, the…

The 22 Most Shocking Moments Of 2014 That’ll Crush Your Heart

The 22 Most Shocking Moments Of 2014 That’ll Crush Your Heart

  With 2014 coming to a close, it’s time to reflect on what a wild year it’s been. It seems there’s no place on Earth that wasn’t hit hard this year, from the Middle East to the Ukraine to West Africa. Amazing things happened, too, but it’s important to remember the tough times so we…

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