Most People Don’t Realize These 18 Strange Things About Space

Most People Don’t Realize These 18 Strange Things About Space

  There have been some great space movies recently: from Gravity to Interstellar, it seems like everyone’s got space on the brain. And there’s good reason, too: space is awesome. Whether you’ve got dreams of space travel or just like to think about space, you’re sure to be floored by these 18 mind-blowing facts. 1.)…

Here Are 23 Freaky Creatures You Could Find Hiding In The Corners Of Your House

Here Are 23 Freaky Creatures You Could Find Hiding In The Corners Of Your House

  Are you afraid of clowns? What about heights? Maybe public speaking? Do ghosts give you the willies, or mice? What about…insects? Being grossed out and frightened by creepy-crawly bugs is one of the most common things people share. Unfortunately for us, bugs are everywhere – literally, there are bugs on every continent, and there…

8 Animal Things That Seem Eerily Human. #4 Can’t Be Real!

8 Animal Things That Seem Eerily Human. #4 Can’t Be Real!

Humans like to think they’re nothing like the rest of the animals we share the world with. After all, a dog can’t use an iPod, and a chimp can’t write a poem, right? So humans must be special! Maybe not so much, though. Lots of animals share some things that we usually reserve just for…

10 Super Dangerous Dinosaurs That Will Make You Glad That They Went Extinct

10 Super Dangerous Dinosaurs That Will Make You Glad That They Went Extinct

Dino fans rejoice: Jurassic World is coming out soon, so you can get yourself a healthy dose of vitamin D. People have always been fascinated by dinosaurs; these mighty creatures once ruled the earth, and as much as we can learn from dinosaur bones, there’s not much we can tell about what life was like…

This Recent Big Budget Movie Will Make You Realize Some Really Strange Things

This Recent Big Budget Movie Will Make You Realize Some Really Strange Things

Interstellar, Christopher Nolan’s newest release, hit theaters recently and is causing moviegoers to scratch their heads and ask questions. With largely favorable reviews, the intergalactic epic promises to be one of the biggest hits of the year. There’s a lot to learn from the film, and a lot of questions left over, too. Here are…

These 29 Optical Illusions May Be Simple, But Each Will Drop Your Jaw

These 29 Optical Illusions May Be Simple, But Each Will Drop Your Jaw

 Optical illusions are great; they’re an amazing way to trick your own brain and see something that you shouldn’t be seeing! These are some great examples of how truly mind-blowing optical illusions can be; they’re simple enough to figure out, but complex enough for you to do a double-take. See for yourself! 1. Wooden Box…

Meet The World’s First Family Robot ..JIBO,

Meet The World’s First Family Robot ..JIBO,

When I first watched this video, I thought it was a joke, but it isn’t! I remember watching the cartoon “The Jetsons” as a child, and thought how COOL it would be to have a robot. Well, it looks like the future is here!  

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