Hilarious!! 33 Images of Silly Mistakes in Textbooks!
Correcting mistakes on websites and blogs is definitely simple but what happens when an editor forgets to do his job and silly mistakes are published in thousands of copies of books? Well it surely leads to some laughter and ofcourse a lot of embarrassment for the editor!
1. Something Odd in the Engineering Textbook
2. Sexiest Rectangle in the Math Textbook
3. Tom Who is About to Show Something Interesting
4. Word ‘Trouble’ in a Racist German Dictionary
5. First Known Picture Of Michael Phelps
6. Typical PC From a Textbook Printed in 2010
7. Invisible Man
8. Hybridisation
9. Egypt in South America
10. Expensive Textbook Using Watermarked Istock Photos
11. Art History Textbook Without Any Art
12. Cockfight
13. American Nuclear Family
14. Buttpaste
15. This Cat That’s Seen Terrible Things
16. Easy Way To Recognize Birds