These 13 Epic Pinterest Fails Should Never Be Forgotten
Hopefully we’ve all learned our fair share of life lessons in 2014. Certainly, the world has gotten more interesting every year, and 2014 is no exception. From the mundane to the shocking to the hilarious, the year was full of discoveries and lessons learned the hard way. And where do people turn to learn such lessons, and discover new things? Well, lots of places, actually, but Pinterest is one of them.
Pinterest is the home of the world’s craftiest people, shoving it in your face that you can’t possibly make something as nice as they can. If you even try, you’re likely to crash and burn in the most epic way possible. But, hey, crashing and burning doesn’t mean stop trying! It just means…well, let’s let the pictures speak for themselves, shall we?
Lesson 1: Your baby is a horrible model. Think that your precious little one can look this adorable and sweet on command?

Think again.

Lesson 2: Your dog is also a horrible model.

Lesson 3: Got a fun new recipe but don’t have one critical ingredient? Go out and buy the ingredient, or you could end up a wee bit disappointed:

Lesson 4: when encouraging your kids to embrace their creativity, be careful. You could get something beautiful, like this:

Or you could get something a little more like this:

Lesson 5: If anyone ever suggests you fill your bathtub with coffee, just don’t.

Lesson 6: You should also definitely not use Listerine on any body part except your mouth.

Lesson 7: Your culinary mistakes can sometimes turn out raunchier than you expected.

Lesson 8: You’re not as good as Edible Arrangements. You’re just not, okay?

Lesson 9: you don’t NEED to have your nail art professionally done, but you should probably have your nail art professionally done.

Lesson 10: heat melts plastic. Don’t put your artwork in the dryer if it’s made of plastic.

Lesson 11: heat also melts icing. Wait a minute before you start decorating, you animal.

Lesson 12: cleaning your microwave sucks.