What These 28 Companies Did To Be Memorable Is Beyond Awesome. Seriously, #10!!
How do you get someone to remember your business and turn to you when they need a service? There are a lot of marketing tricks, but one of the most important tools you can have as a business is something very simple: a business card. But business cards just get lost in the shuffle, so it’s important that yours stands out. Take a tip from these people and companies and make your business card worth remembering!
1.) I have no idea what this company does, but boy am I curious now!
2.) Get creative, especially if you work in a creative field!
3.) Not included: miniature yoga pants.
4.) Make your business card useful!
5.) Or at least make it look useful.
6.) Appeal to people’s nostalgia.
7.) Make people remember your business by making them work for it.
8.) This business card is also a musical instrument!
9.) For when you need to grate-on-the-go.
10.) This is probably out of your budget, but wouldn’t it be cool anyway?
11.) Your business card can grow with your company!
12.) Be crafty!
13.) Be original, and your clients will be swept away.
14.) Now that’s one way to make your business card “pop”!
15.) Encourage your clients to take a load off.
16.) You KNOW this guy is an engineer.
17.) Here’s another business card that’s too handy to throw away.
18.) The way to the heart is through the stomach!
19.) Make someone smile with your business card.
20.) Scent is the strongest sense tied to memory; these are full of lavendar.
21.) Nourish your clients!
22.) This business card would really come in handy.
23.) Pick a lock with this business card.
24.) Let your clients know that you’ll always stand up for them!
25.) Or, let them know that it’s okay to sit down and relax!
26.) Make your business card a bit of a mystery.
27.) Get artsy.
28.) Everyone loves Legos!