You Might Not Even Believe These Facts When You Hear Them, But They Are SO True.


The world gets more amazing the more you know about it. That’s why facts like these are so fun to read; it makes you appreciate how crazy life really is! Plus, they’re super fun to tell at parties – you’ll be the most interesting person in the room!

Here are some of my favorite “fun facts” learned recently – they’re all 100% true!


1.) You can walk east forever, but if you walk north you’ll eventually start walking south.

1420350123932135 You Might Not Even Believe These Facts When You Hear Them, But They Are SO True.



2.) “Canada” means “Big Village” in a native tongue.

1420350126265871 You Might Not Even Believe These Facts When You Hear Them, But They Are SO True.



3.) Eagles mate in mid-flight.

1420350123699713 You Might Not Even Believe These Facts When You Hear Them, But They Are SO True.


4.) The Buganda tribe of Uganda speaks Luganda.

1420350123456395 You Might Not Even Believe These Facts When You Hear Them, But They Are SO True.



5.) Google’s self-driving car has only been in two accidents.

1420350123756041 You Might Not Even Believe These Facts When You Hear Them, But They Are SO True.


6.) If you weighed all the ants in the world and all the humans in the world, the ants would weigh more.

1420350128651295 You Might Not Even Believe These Facts When You Hear Them, But They Are SO True.

7.) Giraffes can outlast camels when it comes to dehydrating.

1420350126746875 You Might Not Even Believe These Facts When You Hear Them, But They Are SO True.


8.) At one point, for at least a few moments, everyone has been the youngest person on earth.

1420350126422476 You Might Not Even Believe These Facts When You Hear Them, But They Are SO True.


9.) Coconuts cause more fatalities each year than sharks do.

1420350126780324 You Might Not Even Believe These Facts When You Hear Them, But They Are SO True.

10.) Stars in the universe outnumber grains of sand on earth.

1420350127188367 You Might Not Even Believe These Facts When You Hear Them, But They Are SO True.


11.) Wombats have square-shaped poops.

1420350128332047 You Might Not Even Believe These Facts When You Hear Them, But They Are SO True.


12.) Horses can only breathe through their nostrils, not their mouths.

142035012868197 You Might Not Even Believe These Facts When You Hear Them, But They Are SO True.