You’ve Never Seen History Like This, 23 Rare Photos That Will Make You See History Differently
With the end of another year approaching, it’s time to look back. What are you proud of from 2014, and what can you do better next year?
Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it, so while you’re thinking about your year, why not give some thought to the many years that have come and gone? Check out these amazing, recently discovered historical photos for a glimpse of living history (plus, some pretty cool pics).
1.) Civil War General Amrbose Burnside. Sideburns for days!

2.) 1935; German soldiers practice sharpshooting on horseback.

3.) 1960; Yamaguchi, at age 17, stabs and assassinates socialist leader, Asanuma, in Tokyo.

4.) 1919; a communist stands for execution by German soldiers in Munich.

5.) 1939; correspondence between Mahatma Gandhi and Adolf Hitler

6.) A graffiti’d plane: it was tradition to mark up a plane if it landed on the wrong carrier.

7.) Las Vegas: A mother watches atomic testing from a distance (75 miles away).

8.) Two for one sale on babies.

9.) 1941; this is what Mount Rushmore would have looked like, if they hadn’t run out of money.

10.) A “Punt Gun,” used for duck hunting, with the ability to fell up to 50 birds at once. Good luck finding another, it was banned in the mid-19th century.

11.) 1918; protection for early radiographers. .

12.) Cathedral of Amiens, World War II.

13.) 1913; Ray Campbell and Dick Hyland face off in a bloody match.

14.) 1930; a fire races through Madam Tussaud’s in London, melting and disfiguring the mannequins.

15.) A very happy (and very alive) chimp celebrates his homecoming after being sent to space.

16.) 1939; a New York City street. Spot the guy without the hat.

17.) The Swedes trying to figure everything out after switching from driving on the left side to the right side.

18.) 1923; crowds flood Yankee Stadium for a boxing match.

19.) Pooches on board: dogs saved from the Titanic.

20.) Pre-World War II England, when class divisions were pretty clear.

21.) 1936; the final execution to be open to the general public.

22.) The U.S. tries to mimic Hitler’s possible disguises, should he go into hiding.